Selasa, 17 Februari 2009

Manbaul Ullum Natural Laboratory


Melestarikan Keanekaragaman Hayati


For Better Future

Kebun botani (atau taman botani) adalah suatu lahan yang ditanami berbagai jenis tumbuhan yang ditujukan untuk keperluan koleksi, penelitian, dan konservasi ex-situ (di luar habitat). Selain untuk penelitian, kebun botani dapat berfungsi sebagai sarana wisata dan pendidikan bagi pengunjung. Arboretum adaalh semacam kebun botani yang mengkoleksi pepohonan.

Dalam kebun botani, tumbuhan koleksi dipelihara dan diberi keterangan nama dan beberapa informasi lainnya yang berguna bagi pengunjung. Dua tambahan penting bagi suatu kebun botani adalah perpustakaan dan herbarium. Keduanya diperlukan untuk kegiatan penelitian dan dokumentasi. Identifikasi/klasifikasi adalah hal yang umum dilakukan di kebun botani. Kebun botani dapat pula memiliki bangunan khusus untuk menumbuhkan koleksi yang tidak dapat hidup pada iklim alami tempat itu atau memerlukan perawatan khusus. Bangunan khusus ini dapat berupa rumah kaca atau klimatron dan iklim buatan dapat dibuat di dalamnya.

Umumnya kebun botani dapat dikunjungi umum. Pemilik kebun botani dapat suatu lembaga tertentu, negara, maupun perorangan. Namun demikian, tidak semua kebun botani dibuka untuk umum, contohnya Chelsea Physic Garden.

Kebun botani di Indonesia tidak banyak. Kebun botani milik negara di Indonesia memakai nama "Kebun Raya" karena ukurannya yang luas. Di bawah LIPI/negara terdapat empat kebun botani, yaitu Kebun Raya Bogor, Kebun Raya Cibodas, Kebun Raya Purwodadi (di utara Malang), dan Kebun Raya Eka Karya Bali di Bedugul, Bali. Puspiptek Serpong juga memiliki Kebun Botani Puspiptek Serpong. Taman Buah Mekarsari adalah kebun botani yang mengkhususkan diri bagi tanaman buah-buahan. Di Tawangmangu juga terdapat taman koleksi tanaman obat-obatan milik Balittro.

Pranala luar

Minggu, 15 Februari 2009

Kurikulum Mentoring untuk Tingkat XI/2 SMA

Pengetahuan Organisasi dan Pengabdian Terhadap Sekolah dan Masyarkat Sekitar

3. Mendirikan Lembaga Bimbingan Belajar Manbaul Ullum (LBB-MU)
Nurul Fikri))

Penyedia Jasa Bimbingan Belajar Privat:

1. Sekolah Dasar

2. Sekolah Menengah Pertama/MTs.
(Tenaga Pendidik disediakan dari Anggota IRM-MU)

Senin, 02 Februari 2009

School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Manbaul Ullum University


School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
Electrical Enginering & Computer Sciences IR&D Center
at Manbaul Ullum University

Menjadi Pusat Pelatihan dan Pembelajaran ICT Cyber Terdepan

1. Unggul dalam Pendidikan ICT untuk pendidikan dasar dan menengah
2. Pusat Riset, Innovasi dan Pengembangan ICT
3. Teknologi Tepat guna dalam bidang ICT
4. Pusat data dan penganalisaannya

Staf Pendidik.

Barkah Firdaus (Ko.)

Ginanjar F.M. & Dian Hadiana

Sandi Socrates

Agus Haeruman


Dede Supriatna


Rani Kharismaya

Ricky Taufikurrahman


Ricky Aji P.

Arip Nurahman

Anton Timur J.

Wendy Afriza

Teknik Memblok Situs Tidak Baik

From SpeedyWiki

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Pornografi bukan satu-satunya hal yang tidak baik di Internet, ada beberapa hal yang termasuk kategori tidak baik, seperti

Seperti di tayangkan pada gambar, ada beberapa teknik proses blokir situs tidak baik. Disini akan dicoba untuk dijelaskan teknik untuk mem-blok situs yang tidak baik


Walaupun harus di akui bahwa semua teknik mem-Blok situs tidak baik dibuat oleh manusia juga. Tidak ada jaminan dapat melakukan tugasnya dengan baik 100%. Ada banyak cara untuk mem- bypass proses blok buatan manusia. Terus terang, jauh lebih ampuh jika dapat menggunakan mekanisme blok yang diberikan oleh Pencipta Manusia.


e-mail untuk Mengadukan Konten

Naga2-nya KEMKOMINFO mulai mengoperasikan alamat e-mail untuk mengadukan konten yang tidak baik di Internet Indonesia. Alamatnya di

Semoga di beri kekuatan untuk melaksanakan tugasnya. Maklum bukan kerjaan yang gampang juga.

Penjelasan Lebih Detail

Source Berisi Daftar Situs Tidak Baik



Referensi INTERNET SEHAT ala ICT Watch

Ada beberapa referensi untuk ber-Internet secara Sehat yang di produksi oleh teman-teman di ICT Watch seperti Donny B.U. dkk. Referensi ini bisa di baca di:

Buku Referensi

  • 2009, Onno W. Purbo, "Ayo memblok situs negatif", Penerbit Andi.

Pranala Menarik


Minggu, 01 Februari 2009

DIVISI KHUSUS PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA ARAB dari Divisi Diklat (Pendidikan dan Latihan)

Divisi Diklat (Pendidikan dan Latihan) Education and Training Division
-"Membumikan Bahasa Arab"-

Bekerjasama dengan

Fakultas Bahasa Arab UGM
Balai Bahasa UPI Bandung

Diasuh Oleh:

Kang Kuat P.

Arabic language

From Wikipedia

العربية al-‘arabiyyah
al-‘Arabiyyah in written Arabic (Naskh script):
Pronunciation: /alˌʕaraˈbijja/
Spoken in: Algeria, Bahrain, Chad, Egypt, Eritrea, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Western Sahara, and Yemen; liturgical language of Islam.

Total speakers: Estimates of native speakers between 186 and 422 million and as many as 246 million non-native speakers[1].
Ranking: 2[2] to 6[3] (native speakers)
Language family: Afro-Asiatic
West Semitic
Central Semitic
Writing system: Arabic alphabet, Syriac alphabet (Garshuni), Bengali script [1] [2]
Official status
Official language in: Official language of 25 countries, the third most after English and French[5]
Regulated by: Syria: Arab Academy of Damascus (the oldest)

Egypt: Academy of the Arabic Language in Cairo
Iraq: Iraqi Science Academy
Sudan: Academy of the Arabic Language in Khartum
Morocco: Academy of the Arabic Language in Rabat (the most active)
Jordan: Jordan Academy of Arabic
Libya: Academy of the Arabic Language in Jamahiriya
Tunisia: Beit Al-Hikma Foundation
Israel: Academy of the Arabic Language [4]

Language codes
ISO 639-1: ar
ISO 639-2: ara
ISO 639-3: ara – Arabic (generic)
(see varieties of Arabic for the individual codes)
Map of the Arabic-speaking world
Map of the Arabic-speaking world.

Arabic (الْعَرَبيّة al-ʿarabiyyah (informally: عَرَبيْ ʿarabī)), in terms of the number of speakers, is the largest living member of the Semitic language family. Classified as Central Semitic, it has its roots in a Proto-Semitic common ancestor. In ISO 639-3, modern Arabic is classified as a macrolanguage with 27 sub-languages. These varieties are spoken throughout the Arab world, and Standard Arabic is widely studied and used throughout the Islamic world.

Modern Standard Arabic derives from Classical Arabic, the only surviving member of the Old North Arabian dialect group, attested in Pre-Islamic Arabic inscriptions dating back to the 4th century.[6] Classical Arabic has also been a literary language and the liturgical language of Islam since its inception in the 7th century.

Arabic has lent many words to other languages of the Islamic world, as Latin has contributed to most European languages. It has also borrowed from those languages, as well as Persian and Sanskrit from early contacts with their affiliated regions. During the Middle Ages, Arabic was a major vehicle of culture, especially in science, mathematics and philosophy, with the result that many European languages have also borrowed numerous words from it. Arabic influence is seen in Mediterranean languages, particularly Spanish, Portuguese, Sicilian, and Maltese, due to both the proximity of European and Arab civilization and 700 years of caliphate government in the Iberian peninsula (see Al-Andalus).


Literary and Modern Standard Arabic

Main article: Literary Arabic

The term "Arabic" may refer to either literary Arabic ([al-]Fuṣḥā الفصحى) or the many localized varieties of Arabic commonly called "colloquial Arabic." Arabs consider literary Arabic as the standard language and tend to view everything else as mere dialects. Literary Arabic (اللغة العربية الفصحى translit: al-luġatu l-ʿarabiyyatu l-fuṣḥā "the most eloquent Arabic language"), refers both to the language of present-day media across North Africa and the Middle East and to the language of the Qur'an. (The expression media here includes most television and radio, and practically all written matter, including books, newspapers, magazines, documents of every kind, and reading primers for small children.) "Colloquial" or "dialectal" Arabic refers to the many national or regional varieties derived from Classical Arabic, spoken across North Africa and the Middle East, which constitute the everyday spoken language. These sometimes differ enough to be mutually incomprehensible. These dialects are typically unwritten, although a certain amount of literature (particularly plays and poetry) exists in many of them. They are often used to varying degrees in informal spoken media, such as soap operas and talk shows. Literary Arabic or classical Arabic is the official language of all Arab countries and is the only form of Arabic taught in schools at all stages.

The sociolinguistic situation of Arabic in modern times provides a prime example of the linguistic phenomenon of diglossia, which is the normal use of two separate varieties of the same language, usually in different social situations. In the case of Arabic, educated Arabs of any nationality can be assumed to speak both their local dialect and their school-taught literary Arabic. When speaking with someone from the same country, many speakers switch back and forth between the two varieties of the language (code switching), sometimes even within the same sentence. When educated Arabs of different nationalities engage in conversation (for example, a Moroccan or Saudi speaking with a Lebanese), both switch into Literary Arabic for the sake of communication.

Like other languages, literary Arabic continues to evolve. Classical Arabic (especially from the pre-Islamic to the Abbasid period, including Qur'anic Arabic) can be distinguished from Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) as used today. Classical Arabic is considered normative; modern authors attempt to follow (with varying degrees of success) the syntactic and grammatical norms laid down by Classical grammarians (such as Sibawayh), and use the vocabulary defined in Classical dictionaries (such as the Lisān al-Arab). However, many modern terms would have been mysterious to a Classical author, whether taken from other languages (for example, فيلم film) or coined from existing lexical resources (for example, هاتف hātif "telephone" = "caller"). Structural influence from foreign languages or from the colloquial varieties has also affected Modern Standard Arabic. For example, MSA texts sometimes use the format "A, B, C, and D" when listing things, whereas Classical Arabic prefers "A and B and C and D," and subject-initial sentences may be more common in MSA than in Classical Arabic. For these reasons, Modern Standard Arabic is generally treated separately in non-Arab sources.