Selasa, 26 Juli 2011

The Manbaul Ullum Digital Library

Sumber Foto:
Fadly Fauzi

"Ada yang lebih kejam dari pada membakar dan memakan buku, yaitu tidak membaca dan mengaplikasikannya"



Nonlinear Sciences

Computer Science

Quantitative Biology

Quantitative Finance


The Manbaul Ullum Digital Library

"Cinta yang mendalam terhadap karya akan menebarkan energi positif yang tidak hanya mengubah hidup seseorang, tetapi juga menerangi kehidupan banyak orang"


Share Knowledge


Reading, Writing, Researching


Pengumpulan Buku-buku Bermutu

Program 1000 Buku untuk The Manbaul Ulum University.

"Mereka yang dapat mengendalikan waktu adalah sang pemilik masa depan"

Management textbooks online - Download for free

Organising and getting people to accomplish desired goals is not always easy. These free online textbooks will guide you through the wealth of theory and practicalities of modern management, whether it is strategic, innovation or financial management, you can find it here. Test your knowledge with the Business Information Management exercise book.

"Orang akan menyukai karya kita, jika membuat karya tersebut dengan sentuhan cinta dan kasih kita dengan sepenuh hati"


Marketing books online - Download for free

What is product without marketing? Many would say that it simply is not. Marketing is paramount in the modern world, from creating products to making people aware that you have done so. Download our free marketing books about for example marketing research and CRM in this section.

"Strategi adalah mengerjakan apa yang belum orang lain kerjakan"


Strategy books - Free for download

Need help to create or pursue a strategy, this is the place to look. The free book 'Studying Strategy' will teach you how to do a SWOT analysis and use growth models such as the BCG Matrix and Ansoff's growth matrix. In the book 'Stratigic Management', you can read about external and internal analysis.


About BookBoon is an online publisher of free books. You can download the books for free and without providing any personal details. The books are provided in PDF so that you can print the books and/or read them offline. In the books there are relevant advertisements on every third page on average.

Bookboon's students' section provides you with free textbooks which give you a concise and precise overview of a given subject, such as Macroeconomics or Chemistry. The books are targeted at engineering students, IT students, and students of economy and finance.

The Manbaul Ullum Digital Library

"Organisasi Terbaik adalah sebuah keluarga yang mampu menjadikan setiap anggotanya menjadi apa yang diharapkannya"


Share Knowledge


Reading, Writing, Researching


Pengumpulan Buku-buku Bermutu

Organization books online - Free for download

There are many different organization structures possible for instance hierarchical organizations, functional organizations or product organizations. The free book ‘Organization Theory’ gives you a summary of the best known structures and theories. Furthermore you find online textbooks about Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Strategic management and Studying strategy in this category.

"Kita Berkembang jika kita berpikir kita itu berkembang"


Personal Development


About BookBoon is an online publisher of free books. You can download the books for free and without providing any personal details. The books are provided in PDF so that you can print the books and/or read them offline. In the books there are relevant advertisements on every third page on average.

Bookboon's students' section provides you with free textbooks which give you a concise and precise overview of a given subject, such as Macroeconomics or Chemistry. The books are targeted at engineering students, IT students, and students of economy and finance.