Selasa, 26 Juli 2011

The Manbaul Ullum Digital Library


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Program 1000 Buku untuk The Manbaul Ulum University.

Civil Engineering textbooks - Free for download

Are you studying civil and environmental engineering, environmental science or geography than the following free textbooks can be interesting for you. The ebook ‘Conicise hydraulics’ covers the fundamental theories. For example you can read about hydrostatics, pipe flow, channel design and hydraulic machinery.


About BookBoon is an online publisher of free books. You can download the books for free and without providing any personal details. The books are provided in PDF so that you can print the books and/or read them offline. In the books there are relevant advertisements on every third page on average.

Bookboon's students' section provides you with free textbooks which give you a concise and precise overview of a given subject, such as Macroeconomics or Chemistry. The books are targeted at engineering students, IT students, and students of economy and finance.

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