Rabu, 24 November 2010

School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Manbaul Ulum University


School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
Electrical Enginering & Computer Sciences IR&D Center
at Manbaul Ullum University

Menjadi Pusat Pelatihan dan Pembelajaran ICT Cyber Terdepan

1. Unggul dalam Pendidikan ICT untuk pendidikan dasar dan menengah
2. Pusat Riset, Innovasi dan Pengembangan ICT
3. Teknologi Tepat guna dalam bidang ICT
4. Pusat data dan penganalisaannya

Staf Pendidik.

Barkah Firdaus (Ko.)

Ginanjar F.M. & Dian Hadiana

Sandi Socrates

Agus Haeruman


Dede Supriatna


Rani Kharismaya

Ricky Taufikurrahman


Ricky Aji P.

Arip Nurahman

Anton Timur J.

Wendy Afriza

Security ▶ play


Watch it on Academic Earth

Lecture Description

Professor David J. Malan (Harvard University) discusses security as it pertains to building dynamic websites.

David J. Malan, Instructor

Course Description

Today's websites are increasingly dynamic. Pages are no longer static HTML files but instead generated by scripts and database calls. User interfaces are more seamless, with technologies like Ajax replacing traditional page reloads. This course teaches students how to build dynamic websites with Ajax and with Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP (LAMP), one of today's most popular frameworks. Students learn how to set up domain names with DNS, how to structure pages with XHTML and CSS, how to program in JavaScript and PHP, how to configure Apache and MySQL, how to design and query databases with SQL, how to use Ajax with both XML and JSON, and how to build mashups. The course explores issues of security, scalability, and cross-browser support and also discusses enterprise-level deployments of websites, including third-party hosting, virtualization, colocation in data centers, firewalling, and load-balancing.


Kang Onno W. Purbo, M.Sc., Ph.D.

Keamanan Jaringan &

Beberapa Tip Hacking


Network Security Appliance

Untuk yang tidak mau pusing menginstalasi berbagai software / aplikasi network security, dapat menggunakan appliance yang sudah jadi.

Evaluasi Jaringan

Security Test

Network Security

Mail Security

Firewall & Blokir Situs

Network Monitoring & Intrution Detection

Pertahanan untuk NetCut

Secure Connection

Mematikan Mesin Windows Jarak Jauh

OS Security

Anti Rootkit

Anti Virus

Web Security

SQL Injection

Cross Site Scripting XSS



Referensi Keamanan Jaringan


Referensi Keamanan Web

URL Menarik

Beberapa Tip Hacking

Pengetahuan Umum


Jebol Password

Port Scanning

XSS Scanner

Web Security


SQL Injection

SQL Injection Tutorial

SQL Injection Software


Buku & Tutorial

Echo ezine

echo|zine issue #20 ( Pebruari 2009 )

  1. Introduction .................................................. y3dips
  2. Pseudo-random .............................................. anonymous
  3. Interview with Onno W Purbo......................................az001
  4. What`s goin on echo forum ............................anonymous-co-ed
  5. Intercepting Library Call ............................ mulyadi santosa
  6. Caesar Shift Cipher............................................... Rey
  7. ARPWall; Konsep dan Pembuktian ............................... y3dips
  8. Encryption: Algoritma Combo .................................... jackD
  9. Prophile on Jck.mrshl ................-----................. echostaff
  10. Enkripsi dan Dekripsi dengan Fungsi Mcrypt di PHP............ monqichi
  11. Salty Py; Password Salt Bruteforcer .. sheran gunasekera & selwin ong
  12. Anti-Forensic; Seek and Destroy .............................jck.mrshl
  13. Hacker LogBook....................................lirva 32; x-diamond1

echo|zine issue #19 ( Agustus 2008 )

  1. Introduction .................................................. y3dips
  2. Pseudo-random .............................................. anonymous
  3. idsecconf ................................................. echo|staff
  4. Digital Signature secara gampangnya ......................... mamasexy
  5. cryptography : Simple a-symetric algorithm................. x-diamond1
  6. Prophile on CyberTank .................................... echo|staff
  7. Prophile on lirva32 ...................................... echo|staff
  8. Whats Goin On Echo Forum ....................................... az001
  9. Bailiwicked DNS Attack (Cache Poisoning) .................... Cyberheb
  10. Scapy: obrak-abrik paket data ................................. y3dips
  11. Hacker LogBook ........................................ various artist

Referensi Menarik


Pentest LiveCD

Pranala Menarik



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